Here are just some of the lovely things people have said about our first publication ‘Cigarettes, Beer and Love’. If you’ve got something lovely to say, please tell us. If you haven’t got your copy yet. Just click HERE. We hope you will enjoy the thoughtful and kind words on our book.

Andrew Edwards – BBC
The book is just beautiful, on every level. I read it through at the weekend, and love the feel and look of it. Ralph writes so eloquently but simply. It’s a real joy of my job to invite folk and end up with an hour of radio as rewarding as that.
Ian McMillan – Poet, Broadcaster, Quiff Wearer
A book that is as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside, just beautiful, no, really beautiful.
Nicholas Royle – writer
I read your chapbook. I loved it. I found ‘The Thing She Said’, in particular, very moving
Stephen May – Writer
Cigarettes, beer and love is a beautiful thing. A lovely little book you will want to cherish.
Joe Kriss – WordLife/NowThen Magazine
It’s a strong collection of poems that feel like they might have been whispered with whisky stained teeth under the light of a single candle.
Hand-bound with poems illustrated by a variety of different artists, this book is incredibly pleasing to hold and a great example of independent publishing.
(full review here)

Anthony Clavane – Writer
Poignant and hilarious, Cigarettes, Beer and Love is a must read
Julia Bird – Poet
A lovely book, my favourites are the title poem and ‘The Dandy’
John Hegley – Poet/Spectacle wearer
I’m reading your book. I like the poem about the old folks … and the pictures.
John Clark – Currock Press
Arrived this morning: a consignment of Cigarettes, Beer and Love. I’ve already tucked in to it and it’s wonderful

Rachael Smart – ABC Tales
Ralph creates bona fide dialogues with the everyday and pins down moments of human interaction with startling clarity.
Cigarettes, Beer and Love’ is up there with some of the most exquisite poetry books I’ve had the pleasure of handling.
(full review here)
Caleb Parkin – Culture Vultures
It’s the deft poise between the upbeat, jovial, and life-affirming alongside the futile, brutal and tragic which makes this book work for me.
I really enjoyed the images alongside the poems. Indeed, I’d say there’s extra ‘poetry’ – more dissonances and resonances – between the photos and the poems themselves.
(full review here)
Robin Ince – Writer/Comedian
A delightful book
Richard Lee – Jerwood Space
Cigarettes, Beer and Love is a lovely pocketful of miracles. Recommended.
Natalie Liddle – Corner 165/Wood Street Art Club
It is truly fabulous and has almost had me in tears already. Fabulous.

Helen Robinson – Fair N Funky
Today the most beautiful book arrived in the post, when I have finished stroking it, I’ll read it.
Tony Wade – Faceless Arts
The fold out, stitching and different papers framed the words perfectly. And last poem made me cry for great reasons.
Dan Thompson – Artists Makers/Revolutionary Arts
My first post in my new home was this small book of poems from the Ossett Observer. It is incredibly beautiful. Design, layout, typography are lovely. The poems, you’ll be glad to hear, are pretty good too.
Matt Abbott – Skint and Demorolised
To read that book of such wonderful poetry brought a tear to my eye. It’s beautiful. I love it.’
Sarah Goodwin –
As an Essex girl I enjoyed the references to Clacton and Basildon. A satisfying book to be dipped in and enjoyed when there are a few moments of quiet.
(full review here)
Irene Rhodes – Wakefield
Love the little book. Just read it straight through and that is what I shall do, again and again, peeling off its band is sweet.
Catherine Longley – Ossett
Just ruined the kids tea as couldn’t put down Ralph Dartford’s ‘Cigarettes, Beer and Love’ it’s fab. Now trying to pass the chips off as crispy but the boys are having none of it!

If you haven’t got your copy yet you can order it from our ETSY SHOP HERE or from Ralph in person at a gig. Next up is POETRY BY HEART November 27th, Headingley, Leeds.
Photographs by. Sharon Shephard and Richard Stanley.
With eternal love and thanks to Sharon Shephard, Tony Shephard, Nick Loaring, Jay Shephard, David Stead, Emma King and Roger Grech.
[…] together on a really ace little book of poetry by Ralph Dartford for the OSSET OBSERVER called ‘Cigarettes Beer & Love’ alongside old friends Sharon & Tony Shephard, and that was marvellous! And to top it off the […]