
We like to be helpful. If you have a question about what we do or how we work, please get in touch, we don’t mind talking to anyone with a passion for their work and their creative ideas. If you like the sound of us and think we can work together, here are some of the things we do.

Creative Programming

Working with our partners, we come up with interesting, relevant, sometimes quirky, sometimes less so, ideas for festivals, events and activities. We also have a range of skills that can help make your ideas a reality.

Arts Fundraising

We can advise on a range of funding ideas and options for your project. We offer fundraising consultancy and can even write the (insert swear word of your choice) things for you.


We’re happy to take on a more formal role working with emerging artists, arts organisations and community groups.


We have a house band, YES! A house band. And a number of characters that work in a range of performance settings. Spoken word artists, musicians and characters that can enhance your event or activity.


In 2013 we set up a small press to publish poems by poets we love. We learnt an awful lot in the process. Publishing and book distribution is not going to make us rich but we know how to do it and have met some wonderful people with terrific book-making skills along the way. Ask us about it.