Cassandra Kilbride


We first met Cassandra in September 2011, she came to see us armed with a head full of ideas about wool and pop up gig spaces and about filling our town centre with colour. So we set her to work on the ‘Flock To Ossett’ project, and 6 months later, she had done just that. Working with knitters and crocheters from the age of 5 – 95 she led an army of wool workers to transform Ossett Town Centre into a woolly wonderland.

She came back to us in 2013 to work on #1000Snowflakes and it is with enormous pride that we now see Cassandra plying (every woollen pun intended) her creative skills across the county. She was a featured artist in the Yorkshire Festival programme in 2014 and even though the route of the Tour De France didn’t come through Ossett, we knew our gal was out there making beautiful woollen bikes with communities across the county.

She is lead artist on a number of Creative People and Places projects, runs workshops and gives one to one tuition in crocheting. You can keep up to date with her on her website

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